On top of that, my wife spent another few days in the hospital. We went to Rochester for her appointment Thursday afternoon and the doc decided he needed to run a few tests...and he couldn't do it as an outpatient.
She wanted me to stay in Rochester with her at least to the weekend. She's spoiled, so I did. I had no necessities of any kind for staying a night or two. I could buy that stuff. But I had not taken along my laptop, so I couldn't do any writing.
I did think about writing a long email on my yahoo account and then I could access it here at home. But I need to look at what I did last before I can write what's next. If I'd taken my laptop (and I had considered it, but decided it wasn't necessary—fooled myself) I could have had this up Sunday.
And I have a new personal concern that uses up a little time...or a lot. Depends on how much I want to spend. But I enjoy every minute, so I've allowed the writing to slack a little for this new diversion.
I did take one small step on the writing front at the hospital. I left my name and book titles with the librarian; maybe I'll get a sale or two. They have a nice library on the seventh floor of the Joseph Building, with a few computers, lots of books, of course, and they'll charge your cell phone for you. My wife's nurse told us about that, which is how I found myself in the library in the first place.
Not much on the writing front to mention. I chopped the "Prelude" off Saving Atlantis, but it hasn't helped get acceptance from the last two agents I submitted to. I'll start approaching some of the publishers directly.
I also got a brand shiny new rejection for a science fiction story called "Guidelines." I think it's pretty good, but I must be wrong because over half a dozen editors have kicked it to the curb.
One bit of good news. Sunday morning, October 8th, I woke up and had a funny little idea about how one certain word sounds a lot like another. So that morning I wrote it, edited it, and submitted it to Page and Spine for their Crumbs tab.
The editor, N.K. Wagner, apparently found it as funny as I did. She put into the End Notes tab, which pays better.
If you want to get a quick laugh (read it aloud to others—it'll work even better) you can find "Plastic Passion" here: http://www.pagespineficshowcase.com/end-notes.html
Scroll down to the 10/13 entry. Then, if you don't already, read the rest of the issue. All good.
Thanks for reading, and I hope the next posting will be sooner than this one was.