Writer's Block. I have never experienced what most folks call writer's block. I've always had something in mind that I could write.
Technically, I suppose, I don't have it now. I could sit down and write one or two more erotic short stories with no problem. So, I do have something available in my brain to write.
And yet, I feel blocked concerning Lying Swords.
I was cruising along with it pretty well in September. I had my vision of where I was going and how I'd get there. Then, due to continuous ten-hour days at work, I stopped writing. Those extra two hours every day at work (plus work on Saturdays) left me no time to write.
I abandoned the novel for four months.
And now I seem to be blocked.
I have an idea why that might be. The four books I've published so far (I'm counting Just Lucky, Book 2 even though it's not quite out yet) represent three different stories. In each case, I did not determine to write a story and then think one up. The stories presented themselves to me. They were there, complete in all but the details, and simply needed me to tell them.
The fourth story, Saving Atlantis was a little different. I intended to write a story that presented a character absent the flaws of one I read in a Stephen King novel--Bag of Bones. I had to change other fundamental things while keeping others in an altered form. I never intended to write a paranormal romance, but that's how it turned out.
Anyway, in the case of Lying Swords, I decided that I'd write a fantasy series. I wanted props for future writing conferences or forums. I had the swords, and that established the direction.
One thing else different—I actually wrote down notes on characters and plot. I've never done that before. You'd think it would make it easier. It hasn't.
However, I think I've determined where to go. During the last month especially I've cogitated about what to do and if things work out, I'll start making progress this weekend.
On the reading front, I've started Fifty Shades of Grey. Although I have not read any specific reviews, I have read and heard that is is poorly written. In fact, the public library director here said she couldn't finish it because the writing was that bad.
I'm a little less than halfway through and I understand the sentiment. When I finish it I'll write a full review here that says what about the writing is so poor and my conjectures on why that might be.
Till next time, thanks for reading. Be safe and be literate.