Sorry, but again the discussion on Mary Jane will be delayed. Today we had the Writers' Open Forum at the Prairie du Chien City Hall. Attendance was better than I expected, but about what the responses to the Face Book blurbs indicated. Anthony Wedgeworth did almost all the organizing and preparations. We all had the opportunity to learn plenty and also share information that will hopefully be helpful to others. I think we all came away pretty pleased.
I mentioned during one of the panel discussions that I had no beta readers and asked for volunteers. Two ladies promptly did so. I've already emailed them copies of Saving Atlantis. I'll be very interested to get their feedback.
At the same time, Kim Sigafus reminded me that I had agreed to be a beta reader for her Book 4 of the Mida series, so I'll be starting that reading project about the end of the month.
Many of us expressed hope that we can make this an annual event. If you could have come but didn't, you missed an opportunity...though I realize it may be an opportunity you had no use for. Not everyone wants to really learn the nuts and bolts of the writing profession. I doubt I'd have much interest in a forum held by half a dozen composers or choreographers. And that's fair. People's interests vary just as their tastes in clothes or food or music or sports.
The NFL season is approaching. Training camp is just around two corners and down a half block. When it starts my reading time for fiction will decline as my reading time of the sports pages increases.
Thanks again for dropping by. Hopefully next time I'll chat a little about the evil demon weed marijuana, and why it ain't.