The other reason is just depression. I spent time and effort listing reasons why people should not vote for Donald Trump, and many did. I know of at least one person who reads this blog voted for Trump. Very depressing. Very discouraging. Over ninety million people voted for a man who was successfully sued for sexual assault, convicted of 34 felony counts, and indicted on violations of the Espionage Act. A man who was called an idiot by many of the people that worked for him. Many others vowed they would never vote for him again, yet too many did. And now he’s given power to an ex-illegal alien who became a citizen in 2002 and is now tearing apart agencies and services millions of American citizens and others world-wide depend for health and food and financial protection. Many of these moves are blatantly illegal because Trump does not have the Constitutional authority to do what he's doing. Law suits are being filed by many separate entities.
Trump pardoned or commuted the sentences of over 1500 people convicted or indicted for their activities at the Capitol on January 6. Men guilty of violent crimes are now running around free. He had originally said it would be only the non-violent offenders, but then he changed his mind (such as there is) and released them all. My opinion: He’s too friggin’ lazy to go through the process of making decisions on each individual. It’s going to get worse.
My prediction over the term of Trump’s Presidency is that many more Americans will be harmed by the decisions of Trump and his henchmen than will benefit.
On a cheerier note, the new publication of my fantasy novel Prophecy of Honor, will be launched Feb. 12. Two days from now!! The link for preorders, plus where and how it will be available (hardback, paperback, digital) is here:
Is the book worth reading? Well, it’s been judged by two different publishers as worth the expense of publication, so, yeah, it is.
Prophecy of Honor is an excellent choice for any reader that is curious about fantasy but not sure if they want to tackle the project. Or, someone who doesn’t want to read fantasy because they don’t want to read about dragons, elves, witches, or potions, this is the one for them. This book has none of those things, plus, it’s much shorter than your regular fantasy book.
And for dedicated fantasy readers, despite those exceptions, it’s still a really good story.
Trust me.
Please go to my home page to see the new cover, and thanks for reading.