I have been unable to find any reviews of CFP except those on their own website...which were, of course, completely complimentary. I suspect, however, that they are a vanity press publisher. This means, essentially, that the author pays them for the services they claim to provide.
Page Publishing is a vanity press publisher; no doubt about it. They require $3200 from the author for the minimum essential services. One review was from a woman who had them do her book but then could not pay them that money for any distribution.
There is a philosophy of authorship called "The Yog Rule" which says that all money should flow to the author. If the author is paying money to a publisher, that obviously violates this rule, but more important, it is like buying a used car from a private dealer. Once they have your money you have little recourse.
Another negative with vanity press publishing is that the author will often, if not always, encounter the hard sell for additional services at additional cost.
If you have a book meant for a limited audience and you have the money to pay up front, then a vanity press might be right for you. On the other hand, you can probably go the self-publishing route with more or better potential success and for less cost.
Self-publishing also requires some initial outlay, but the author has more control, the editing and printing can cost less, then all income from book sales stays with the author.
Anthony Wedgeworth's Altered Creatures series is a good example of successful self-publishing.
Here's two links worth checking out. The first is for reviews of Page Publishing, the second is for Wikipedia's article on vanity press.
Until next time, please, read, write, or both!