I have been, so far, resisting the urge to make political commentary here, but it is getting harder to refrain. Any comments expressing preference one way or another would be quite welcome.
On a personal note, again, my wife's previous health troubles have pretty much gone away. Good news. But they have been replaced by another. She suffers constant stomach pain. The most solid thing she can eat is yogurt and the occasional cracker. She drinks whole milk and water and sometimes tea. She lost four pounds last week and eight the week before that. She can't get in to see a gastroenterologist for another ten days or so, and this has been going on for nearly a month already. Non-specialists have run blood and urine tests and eliminated pancreatitis as the culprit, but not positive diagnosis. They thought it might be an ulcer, but eating anything makes the pain worse and she often chucks it back up. I hope she can last till the appointment, or a cancellation will allow her to get in earlier. In the meantime I cook for myself. I'm adequate, but that's all. But no reason for her to cook when she can't eat.
I'll keep you all posted, on the personal issues if any news, and on the writing front as well.