As to what happened again: Those who have been reading this will recall that in the 12/6 post I mentioned that after I agreed to publication of Witchery with Double Dragon Publishing, I got a letter from another publisher that wanted to look at it.
This time it is Just Lucky: Friends and Enemies that had a suitor left outside the door.
I had contacted many publishers about this novel before and during my contact with Gnome on Pig Productions. As I've written before, I've signed a working contract with them. But last week another of those publishers that had seen the first ten pages wanted to see the whole manuscript. Of course I had to tell them it was no longer available, at least not until July. But GPP is taking their time. I've been notified that their chief editor will be working with me on the novel, but I have yet to hear from him. I will probably give them a "what's up?" pretty soon. I have no idea how busy they are with other projects, though, so I am trying to be patient.
With everything else going on I'm not getting as much work done on Saving Atlantis as I'd like, but I do make progress.
Oh, one more thing. When I wrote "with everything else going on" I reminded myself that my first review article of 2016 appeared last Friday and is still on the front burner of The Writers Table at Page and Spine. Here it is:
There is a possibility that this blog will get political next time. I'm starting to get really irritated with people that treasure their ignorance and refuse to even try to think rationally, so I may vent.
Thanks for dropping by.